Importance of Nutrition

Importance of Nutrition

We all are given many lessons on the importance of nutrition, in our schools as well as at home, when we are young. Even elders, who are suffering from different diseases are asked to improve the quality of the food, which they intake. The truth is that, nutrition is an essential part of every person’s life – be it children, teenagers, adults or aged people.

What most of the doctors and nutritionists suggest is that only a balanced diet can provide us with the essential nutrients and minerals which are necessary for growth and wear and tear of our body. The importance of nutrition for athletes is well-known, as they would be able to achieve high stamina and endurance levels only after eating healthy foods. After reading the next few paragraphs, you will definitely understand why is good nutrition important.

Why is Eating Nutritious Food Essential?

A diet can be called the one which provides proper nutrition to the body, only if we get the essential macro nutrients such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates and also the micro nutrients like the vitamins and minerals. The function of the macro nutrients is to provide energy and strength to the body while the micro nutrients play an important role in the working of the cells of our body. Adequate and proportionate intake of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which are the components of nutrition is very essential to stay away from infections, cardiovascular and contagious diseases. The proteins do the task of building the tissues of the muscles and also maintaining and repairing them. By consuming protein rich foods, you can meet the need for amino acids, which are necessary for proper functioning of the body. You can meet the protein requirements of your body, if you eat food items such as milk, milk products, yolk, eggs, meat, almonds, etc.

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